You need to know that the monthly income will be EFT (Electronically funds transferred) into your account every month on a set date, you need to know that you will be provided with comprehensive financial statements every month and at the end of the tax year.
As your professional manager we will ensure that you get the best tenant, the highest rent, have the most cost effective maintenance and also the best security for you asset – all with minimal inputs from you. Property Management has become a specialized field with vast legal implications, so it is also now important, more than ever before, to have your property managed by a professional management team. As the owner of a property it is your legal responsibility to comply with the various acts of parliament and local statutes.
By employing our Property Management team you can rest assured that you and your property will comply with all Regulations and Acts and that we will ensure you are protected in the best possible way at all times. We pride ourselves on having Specialized Managers that can provide state of the art solutions with market leading results for our clients.